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September 8, 2024
Book Reviews

Re-read the classic – the tragic world

Hugo used a book, “The Miserable World”, to tell us about the picture of France spanning half a century: the tragedy of the Waterloo War, the bitter life of the lower French people, and the grandeur of the French Revolution… Each chapter of the description is so profound that we can truly experience the life of the poor people struggling at the bottom edge of French society.

This vicious slave is actually just a good man

The book begins with a description of Jean Valjean’s various ostracism after his release from prison, interspersed with his miserable background, and explains the reason why he was so cold-eyed – he was a slave who suffered discrimination.

Jean Valjean was brought up by his sister, and when he was able to work, he worked quietly and hard to help solve the food and clothing problems of his sister and her seven children. He was in dire need of food to provide strength for his work. He distributed his food to the poor children, broke the window and robbed bread in hunger, so he was sentenced to five years in prison for the crime. In prison, he worried about his family, unwilling to be imprisoned and tortured, and escaped from prison four times, all of which failed to be arrested. Four failed escapes extended his time in prison, so he spent 19 years in prison. The cruelty of the reality aroused his hatred of the society. He worked hard to read, read and learn various skills, and became a wise and courageous force figure. After he was released from prison, he left prison and went to freedom. He was expelled and indifferent by this unfair society. He was originally discouraged and intended to control evil with evil, but at the last moment he met the bishop who changed his life path.

The benevolent bishop gave him the opportunity and task to start a new life. The bishop used tolerance and mercy to influence the bitter slave, hoping that he could start a new life and benefit others. After a painful ideological struggle, Jean Valjean chose the latter, whether to persist in revenge on the society or to atone for the good. I happened to meet a little boy who was looking for his lost money, but was scared away by his evil spirit, and then accidentally got the little boy’s money. Since then, he has disappeared from people’s view with the charge of “extorting money from children”.

When a convict becomes the mayor of the city

When we saw him again, he was no longer Jean Valjean, the malevolent and hateful convict, but the mayor of Madeleine, who had made outstanding achievements and was loved by thousands of people. Many years ago, he came to this poor place and invented a new method of industry based on what he learned in prison. He provided many low-cost and high-profit jobs for people in this place. He brought wealth and prosperity to this place. He also devoted himself to charity, took virtue as his heart, and actively helped countless poor and needy people.

He made Madeleine from depression to prosperity, from cold despair to full of love. He never takes pride in his achievements, treats others with humility, and does not seek repayment. The position of the mayor was also reluctantly accepted after he refused repeatedly because of the demands of the masses. He supports the lives of all people in Madeleine and creates a better life for them.

After learning that the bishop who saved his soul died, he attended his funeral and met Javert, the policeman who had been chasing Jean Valjean. He is deeply in fear and has been living in high tension for years. When he was struggling with his inner pain, whether he wanted to continue to support the people here as mayor, or to put down the poor people who needed his help to surrender to accept the legal sanctions, Javert took the initiative to find him and said that the prisoner had been found and the evidence was full, and asked the mayor to forgive the rude speculation.

In the court, he could have made a jury without incident to witness the ambush of the fake “Jean Valjean”, but when everything went smoothly, he suddenly took the initiative to confess his life experience and chose to surrender. Because his conscience did not allow him to wrongly suffer for himself, even if he was an alcoholic rogue. Later, Javert changed his former gentlemanly demeanor and proudly arrested him. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. He gave up the quiet and beautiful life of mayor and resolutely chose the prison life, which was his choice.

When he was about to go to prison, he saved the life of a stranger, took the man to a safe place, turned away, and fell into the sea on the way back. People saw him fall into the sea and determined his death.

Mr. Fauchelevent has a daughter

After landing, he found Cosette, the daughter of Fantine, a bitter woman and great mother. He promised Fantine would give her daughter a safe and healthy life. From then on, the two were dependent on each other. He taught her to read, read and learn knowledge in the name of his father, and she returned his pure love. Because of her existence, he felt the pure and holy love and the love of his relatives. She is the hope and support of his life. After a brief period of peace, Javert’s appearance shocked the ordinary peace. With his amazing talent in prison, he risked his life to take Cosette out of Javert’s snare as sharp as an eagle and ran to a monastery. In the past, he helped an old man with good for evil, and now he returns his kindness at the time of his near death. They live peacefully in the isolated monastery. He is Mr. Fauchelevent, and she is his daughter. When the man died, they left the closed place.

The appearance of Thenardier wanted Jean Valjean to turn around and find Marius with the so-called evidence to take advantage of the opportunity to extort money. However, his ugly and vicious heart washed away the grievances for the kind and honest Jean. His despicability and malice further reflected Jean’s great selflessness. After the misunderstanding was solved, Marius took his wife and rushed to the savior, but he did not want to leave the world in this lonely little room.

He, Marius, did not have time to make up for his mistakes and repay the benefactor; She, Cosette, did not have time to repay him for his caring and caring father’s love. He, Jean Valjean, was unknown when he left this tragic world. The man who paid silently and did not ask for repayment died quietly.

Jean Valjean once said that he was a miserable man. He thought he was a sinner and was filthy. In fact, he has been thinking for others all his life, helping others, and seeking no return.

His soul is pure, pure and good, his moral character is noble and great, and he is sincere and honest. He is the tallest, most heroic, most benevolent and most worthy of respect in this book.

He worked hard all his life, was charitable and benevolent all his life, tolerant and forgiving all his life, and humble and dedicated all his life.

Living in misery and fleeing in fear, morality illuminates his heart, guides his life and warms the people around him.

This book uses the first episode of the illustration for many times to reveal the tragic experience and tortuous fate of the characters, and set off the vivid and fleshy image of the characters. The character of the character is more brilliant against the contrast.


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